PMI ofrecerá a los aspirantes a rendir el CAPM ® (Certified Associate in Project management) la posibilidad de rendir el examen desde la comodidad de su hogar o lugar de trabajo siendo monitoreado vía electrónica. A partir del 22 de Julio de 2017, los candidatos tendrán la opción aplicar al examen vía “online proctored “ (OP) o “center based tested” (CBT). Los primeros exámenes se rendirán luego de cuatro semanas del comienzo de inscripción.
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Taking the CAPM Exam Will Soon Be More Convenient!
PMI has partnered with Pearson VUE to offer candidates for the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® certification the opportunity to test via online proctored (OP) examination. Candidates will be able to conveniently and easily take an exam in the comfort of their home or office while being monitored by an offsite proctor. Beginning 22 July 2017, candidates will have the option to schedule an OP or center-based testing (CBT) exam through Pearson VUE.
The first exams through Pearson VUE will be held four weeks later on 22 August 2017. Stay tuned for more details.